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Nottingham Hospitals Charity
Nottingham Hospitals Charity (NHC) is a vital organisation dedicated to supporting Nottingham’s hospitals by funding life-saving equipment, improving facilities, and providing extraordinary care for patients. Operating at the heart of the East Midlands community, NHC has consistently been a pillar of hope and positivity.
But even pillars need a touch of creativity now and then. Following the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic, Nottingham Hospitals Charity wanted to reignite their community’s spirit and encourage fundraising while paying tribute to their supporters and NHS heroes. That’s where we stepped in.
Finding the good in everything
Partnering with NHC was an opportunity for us to get creative, think big, and add heart to every project.
To uplift the community post-lockdown, we leaned into the universal symbol of positivity from the pandemic—the rainbow. Inspired by the playful energy of the 60s, we designed the “Celebrate Summer” campaign, bursting with bright colours and feel-good vibes.
This was then followed on by the ‘Thankyou Nottingham” campaign to not only celebrated the unwavering dedication of NHS staff but also cultivated deeper connections between NHC and its supporters.
Showcasing Impact
After the success of the billboard campaigns, the NHC invited us back to help them with their donation form and annual report.
For the report, we crafted a unique die-cut cover, offering a “window” into the charity’s accomplishments. This peek-through design encouraged curiosity and excitement about the report’s contents. Instead of generic stock imagery, we centered the report around real NHS staff imagery. This human touch highlighted the faces behind the remarkable efforts, conveying authenticity and gratitude.
Want a chat about a job? Pick our brains? Or just have a beer coffee with the team?
Fancy a chat?
01522 612676
Middletons Yard
7 Potter St
S80 2FT