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Centre for Culture and Creativity
The Centre for Culture and Creativity at the University of Lincoln is a ‘think and do tank’, researching and leading on cultural programmes and creativity.
The Big Reveal
We created a simple logo animation to be used on digital assets. The ‘c’ expands out to reveal the brand icon and then the text animates in from behind the icon to complete the full version of the logo.
To help raise awareness for the centre, we created some simple notebooks. Utilising the brand gradient on the front cover, creating a bright bold notebook. The logo identity appears in single colour with a simple website and email link on the reverse. The inside front cover has a bold message to explain what the centre offers.
They wanted the web to have impact! The introduction needed to show a window into what the centre has to offer, hence the icon scroll down animation.
The user is encouraged to scroll down from the homepage banner by the cursor becoming a hand pointing down.
We introduced a font resizer in the header to enable the user to increase or decrease the font size to make it more user friendly depending on personal preference.
All text animates in independently to introduce a new section. The team section is on a timed scroll with a random feed, allowing all employees to be seen.
There are also lots of other nice features on the site, check it out here.
Want a chat about a job? Pick our brains? Or just have a beer coffee with the team?
Fancy a chat?
01522 612676
Middletons Yard
7 Potter St
S80 2FT